Monday, October 8, 2012

Playlist for Fall.

Welp, it was strep throat. Apparently it was bad enough to for the doctor to go, "EWWW!" I am still not better. Strep throat has cleared up, but it has been replaced with a sinus infection. I missed school all last week and I don't think I have worn anything but sweatpants in a few days. Luckily, my sweet sweet boyfriend came down Friday night and by 10:30 he was out in the rain at Walgreens getting me Vick's nose spray and Nyquil.
Our weekend was spent mainly on the couch. We attempted to go to the movies last night, but decided against it because Zach believed my coughing would get us thrown out of the movie... didn't I just say how sweet he was? I take it back. We ended up going out to eat and to Hastings and by the time we got home I was knocked out in ten minutes.

How sick are you of hearing me complain about being sick? Too bad! Mwahahaha.

In other news, Tennessee is beautiful this time of year. The leaves are finally changing and I am so very excited about it. I can't wait to get all this junk cleared up so that Zach and I can go for walks and enjoy this weather. Another thing I love to do is to drive during this time of year. I love cracking my window and taking some back country roads. One thing that is a must for these autumn drives is good music, so I have composed a playlist.

1. Iron and Wine "Naked As We Came"

I love Iron and Wine... every time I listen to Mr. Beam I think of Zach. When we first started dating he introduced me to them and gave me two CDs to listen to... I wore those things out. This song was not on them, but later on it became one of my favorite songs.

2. Elton John "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road"

Another favorite thanks to the mister. I love Elton John. I love this song. I love this album. On a somewhat unrelated note, I had no idea he wore a hair piece until recently. I always thought he had great hair for his age... Oops!

3. Regina Spektor "Raindrops"

I have been listening to Regina Spektor since I was probably 14. She is beautiful and so very talented!

4. Bon Iver "Skinny Love"

I looooooove this song. There was a time when I listened to it every morning on my way to work at the old folk's home. I love pretty much all Bon Iver songs, though! Definitely my type of music.

5. Sucre "When We Were Young"

I am a HUGE Eisley fan, so when I found out one of the sisters (the band is composed of siblings and a cousin, I believe) was branching out with another band I was really excited. This is the first song I heard and I probably listened to it five times that day. Such a great song!

6. Ryan Adams "Oh My Sweet Carolina"

Suuuuuch a pretty song on such a wonderful album. I love Ryan Adams. He reminds me of my older brother for some strange reason.

7. Eisley "The Valley"

The band I mentioned before! This is a talented family. I love the video for this song, too!

8. Bright Eyes "Coat Check Dream Song"

Though I am more of a fan of his older stuff, the Cassadaga album was great and this song was one of my favorites.

9. Angus and Julia Stone "Big Jet Plane"

I loooooove this song. Such a dreamy melody. I love Julia Stone's unique voice (though she can be a bit Lisa Simpson-y sometimes. Hahaha.)

10. The White Stripes "Hotel Yorba"

I am still not over them not being a band anymore! Gah! I love their music, and I love this song especially. I hope they reunite someday! P.S.- Are they brother and sister or what? I have been wondering that for years.


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